Internet Filters Internet Filter

Internet cleaner tools and their application.

Whether they mean to or not, new internet users can come across porn pictures and videos while in the throes of web surfing. Or users might intentionally load CDs with porn on them into the computer. If this situation presents itself, finding these items can have negative effects on the computer user and in the process, this could leave files behind on the permanent storage media. New software is able to use intelligent searching to find offensive unwanted porn residing on the permanent storage media. Probably the best known software in the 'porn remover' category is Hyperdyne's Snitch internet cleaner, it is one of the best examples of the genre.

In general, these software applications have capabilities including quickly checking images for nudity, checking movies for porn content, checking text files against keyword lists, looking for illegal audio files as well as a selection of other tests. Core tests like the image and movie ones perform smart scanning and quickly show inappropriate files as separate from typical photos.

Anybody can download the free trial software and this ensures that prospective customers know exactly what they are buying.

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